Dyson Sphere Program Cheat Sheet

This is a work in progress, and a really rough draft.
Mostly to get some info online so that I can use it myself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯... Got tired of calculating/referencing this stuff every time.
Maybe someday it will be as good as my Factorio Cheat Sheet
Also see Satisfactory Cheat Sheet

Feel free to join in a conversation in Discord or on Github
Game Save Location: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Dyson Sphere Program\Save\
Updated 2021-01-25

If you find the cheat sheet useful, you can

Selected Build Ratios (WIP...)

Info Tables


0.5 i/s per 1 vein 3 i/s per 6 vein
30 i/m per 1 vein 180 i/m per 6 vein
6 i/s 12 i/s 30 i/s
360 i/m 720 i/m 1800 i/m
2(6 Vein) 4(6 Vein) 10(6 Vein)
1 Stack 1 Stack 5 Stack
1.5 trip/s /1grid 3 trip/s /1grid 6 trip/s /1grid
0.75 trip/s /2grid 1.5 trip/s /2grid 3 trip/s /2grid
0.5 trip/s /3grid 1 trip/s /3grid 2 trip/s /3grid


0.30 MW 0.36 MW 2.16 MW 5 MW 9 MW 75 MW
